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Ashley Dand

Star Consultant

(780) 667-1591

My Story

My Scentsy story began when I found two free Scentsy warmers & wax off Facebook marketplace. Right away I fell in love with the product and I was so impressed with how well they performed. I replied to a local ad offering free scentsy wax samples and I got chatting with a lovely gal. She kindly offered me a free Scentsy Kit and to hold my hand every step of the way. I took a chance, seeing how it was free and I wasn’t obligated to do anything. Deep down, something told me I was capable of so much more. Before I knew it, this recovering introvert was beginning to find herself again. As cliche as it might sound, Scentsy hands down changed my life for the better! The best way I can describe it, it’s like coming home with welcome arms after a long day. I’ve found a whole community of sisters & misters, a new outlook on life, I feel so accomplished and I love the extra income I earn each month. I am so honoured to serve all my amazing customers and inspire others to find their light again. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for you supporting my business.

Love, Ashley

My Favourite Scents